BS 5837 – Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – recommendations

As our urban landscape increases in size more pressure is placed upon trees especially where the developments of new and existing buildings come into close contact with them. Trees can enhance developments when they are carefully protected and built into them. When they are not however trees often go into decline and may be lost altogether due to poor forethought.

The Town and Country Planning Act requires that local authorities have a duty to ensure that adequate protection is given to existing trees on development sites and the planting of new trees. The National Standard Application Form (1APP) now requires a tree report to be submitted with all planning applications in accordance with BS5837:2012 – Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition and Construction – recommendations.

Pre Development Survey

The Care of Trees can carry out a pre development survey of tree condition identifying trees that are high quality and are likely to be retained and trees of poor quality that are not likely to add any significant value to the development. This includes a constraints plan identifying areas of conflict between development and trees. The constraints plan will be used early on in the development process and will help you in your design. This will ensure that the planning application is likely to be accepted rather than having to be amended later on.

Arboricultural Impact Assessment

An arboricultural impact assessment is used to identify and evaluate the extent of direct and indirect impacts on existing trees that may arise as a result of implementation of any site layout proposals. This report will demonstrate reasons for retaining or removal proposals of trees and will be submitted to the local authority with the planning application. The quality of this will increase the likelihood of the planning application being approved.

Arboricultural Method Statements and Tree Protection Plan

The arboricultural method statement lays out the methodology for the implementation of any aspect of development that has the potential to result of loss or damage to trees. This is often a condition of planning permission.