We Offer Clear independent advice on all aspects of tree management.
Qualified All of our staff are trained to industry standards and qualifications.
Experience Our staff have spent over ten years working in the arboricultural industry.
Quick Contact Please call Sheffield on 01143 582019 or Kendal on 01539 879397
The Care of Trees is an Arboricultural Consultancy Company specialising in providing advice on all aspects of tree management and arboriculture.
We provide quality consultancy advice for all types of landowners, including developers, housing associations, businesses, landscape architects, home owners, insurance companies and parish and town councils.
We place high emphasis on providing our clients with reports tailored to meet their specific needs and objectives.
Quantified Tree Risk Assessment

Tree safety management is a matter of limiting the risk of harm from tree failure whilst maintaining the benefits that trees bring to us and the environment.
Our Ethos

We aim to provide high quality and effective solutions to tree management. Offering clear independent advice on all aspects of tree management.
Our Services

We offer a wide range of services from condition and risk assessment surveys to BS5837 reports to be submitted with planning applications.